このコンテンツではfollow pursue chaseの違いをまとめています。



1 to come, arrive, go, or leave after; move behind in the same direction
The boy followed his father out of the room.
2 to happen, take place, or come directly after(something)
May follows April.
3 to go in the same direction as; continue along
The railway line follows the river for several miles.
4 to go after in order to catch
I think we’re being followed
5 to keep in sight; watch
The cat followed every movement of the mouse.
6 to attend or listen to carefully
He followed the speaker’s words with the greatest attention.

1 to follow, esp. in order to catch, kill, or defeat
The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
2 to continue steadily with; carry on
She is pursuing her studies at the university.
1 to follow rapidly in order to catch
The cat chased the mouse but couldn’t catch it.
2 to make(someone)leave by chasing them; drive away
The dog ran out into the garden and chased the birds away.
3 to rush; hurry
I’ve chased all round the building looking for you.
4 to make iquiries about(something)or talk to(someone)in order to find information or get something done
The police have been trying to chase(up)the dead man’s sister, but they have no idea where she lives.



follow pursue chaseはいずれも何かの後を追いかける意味を持ち、followは最も一般的で広い対象に使われます。
He was a leader and had a great following.
Follow carefully the instructions attached.
One thing followed another.
it follows thatの形をとると、前に述べたことを論理的にふまえて「従いまして…」の意になり、その逆のit does not follow thatは「そういうことはあっても、自動的にそうなるわけではない」の意味になります。
The course of studies he is pursuing is history.
She pursued the customer who forgot his purchase on the corner.
She chased street kids from her yard.