このコンテンツではargue と debate の違いをまとめています。
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argue は議論に関わっている人の中で結論は決まっていて、自分の意見が正しいことを証明するために熱弁をふるいます。
そのため argue は論争になっている問題点に対して支持か反対のどちらかの立場をとります。
支持する場合はargue の後にfor、反対する場合は against を伴います。これらが伴わない場合でも、反対を押し切って時説を主張することに変わりはありません。
He powerfully argued his position about the system of retirement.
He argured for the abolition of retirement.
He argued against early retirement of office workers.
argue が自説に信念を持ち、相手を説き伏せようとする心的態度であるのに対し、debate は debate point(議論の余地のある部分)をとり上げることに重点が置かれています。
They debated on the subject of office workers’ retirement age.
上の例文の debate を argue に置き換えてみます。
They argued over the retirement age of the office workers.
debate は議論に加わることに重点があり、argue ほど結論が重要ではありません。
debate は「心の中で決めかねている」状態を表すことがあります。
She debated in her mind whether she should go partying with her office mates or stay home and watch her favorite soap opera television.
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1 to express disagreement in words, often with strong feeling; quarrel
Do what you are told and don’t argue (with me).
They’re always arguing about/over money
2 to provide reasons for or against (something), esp.clearly and in proper order
We could argue this point for hours without reaching any conclusions.
3 to persuade (someone)by showing reasons for or against an idea or course of action. often with strong feeling
She argued him into/out of leaving his job.
1 a meeting, esp. in public, in which a question is talked about by at least two people or groups, each expressing a differint opinion
There was a long debate in Parliament on the question of capital punishment.
2 the process of talking about a question in detail
After much debate, the committee voted to close the school.
ロングマンのargue の解説で、第一に「(強く)反対する」とあったのはちょっと意外でした。
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