Defence Agency becomes ministry

The Defence Agency was upgraded to full ministry status Jan. 9 for the first time since its inception in 1954 amid persistent concerns over effective civillian control of Japan’s defence forces.
英語名がJapan Defence AgencyからMinistry of Defence(海外ではこちらの名称が一般的)に替わります。
A commemorative ceremony was held at the Defence Ministry in the morning, with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Fumio Kyuma, whose post of Defense Agency director general was upgraded to defence minister, in attendance.
この記事のキモである agency と ministry を英々辞典で調べてみます。
agency n
1 a business that makes its money esp. by bringing people into touch with others or the products of others
I got this job through an enployment agency.
2 a department of a government or of an international body
a United Nations agency responsible for helping refugees.
3 the power or force which causes a result
Iron is melted by the agency of heat.
ministry n
1 a government department with a minister in charge of it
The army, navy, and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defence.
2 priests, considered as a group or profession; clergy
He joined the ministry.( = became a priest )
ministry には大臣がいるが、agency にはいないという認識でよさそうです。
それにしても agency の3の用法は知りませんでした。英々辞典をひくといろんな発見があるものです。